Tuesday, 14 October 2008

from where i left off....

Hello people of blogger world...I have been very bad and not added any entries to my old aol journal for what can only be described as a very considerable length of time...those of you that have used aol will be very familiar with the standard practice of starting an entry, restarting the entry after aol crashed...restarting again and then eventually saying bugger it and go and do something else.

So what have we been up to since i last decided to impart news of my dreary life... well Jack has got bigger & louder & bigger & noisier & bigger & more boisterous. Just yesterday he put a wodden box thingie on his head, it is a little persons toy box type thing with moving parts to amuse them...poor grandad who was doing his usual babyminding routine tried to remove the box but it was jammed on hard. After trying for a few minutes to remove the item he decided the only way to do so was to get a screwdriver and take the bloody thing apart....just as Jack pulled free! The things kids do amaze me, don't know why really cos by all accounts i was always doing things i shouldn't.

We got money out of the airline for our damaged cases in case anyone is wondering, with very little fuss actually which was quite surprising.

My mum won a photo-shoot with olan mills (i think it was them anyway) so back in august we went to nottingham to have family photo's done...there was me, nic & jack...my sister, bro-in-law & 2 kids and my mum. The photo's weren't too bad considering i hate having my pic taken. Its nice for my mum to have photo's of all of us together as we don't get together too often.

Back in July we had a nice week at my sisters, she has a huge back garden and it was great seeing Jack running around playing, we only have a poxy postage stamp sized garden and we really would love a bigger garden so he can play out more. Our garden doesn't get much sun on it so when it gets wet it doesn't dry out for weeks. Jack got more toys from my sister as she was having a clear out of her garage...my nephew got a new bike for his birthday so my sister has said hen Jack is bigger he can have his cousin's old bike.

My work is still a pain, i am so bored and desperately want a new job that will challenge me but in the current economic climate i am probably better off staying put for a while. I honestly believe that if i didn't have Jack to support i would have walked out months ago. I have to consider myself lucky, at least i have a job and one that pays reasonably well for this area. I have recently had an old friend contact me after finding me on friends reunited, he was living in gibraltar but is just moving across the border to spain so has offered to help me out looking for work & somewhere to live in Spain. It has given me a bit of a boost but again i'm not just going to jump at the first chance as Jack is my biggest priority so i have to make sure that i will be earning enough to support my family whilst still having time to spend at home with them.

Jack's vocabulary is building day by day, he mimicks us all the time in mannerisms & trying to copy words. It is such a joy every time he says a new word, mind you his favourite word is no which does get annoying. he is so strong willed as well, it is virtually impossible to get him to do something if he doesn't want to, he has become very fussy with food but hopefully that will be a passing phase. A few eeeks ago he bit my finger and cut the skin at ths side of my nail, i left it thinking it would heal on its own but it got infected and i had to have antibiotics to clear up the infection, as a result of my son's vampire tendencies (bless, he's more like me every day..ha ha) i now have only half a finger nail as the rest has dropped off.

I have just noticed whilst typing this that blogger autosaves a draft while you type...this service would have been a godsend for aol journallers.
Anyway thats all i have time for now.... Vampire Jack x

goodbye & good riddance aohell

I have not updated my aol journal for a while now, mainly because i don't use aol any more and just can't be bothered with keep trying to update a journal when aol has a nasty habit of crashing before I save the entry. Now aol is shutting down its journal service i have no reason to use aol any longer.....hooray!

I will be checking to see if my j'land buddies are moving to another service as I still wish to keep reading all their journals.

I may even start posting regular entries again!!

Vampire Jack x