Saturday, 17 November 2007

Its not even december yet & already i'm getting sick of the xmas adverts. Don't get me wrong, I love xmas but i hate when the adverts start 2 months before the big day, it takes away some of the magic.

This week at work they finally let us know wether we will get the holidays we requested during xmas, we can request holiday during the xmas period but they won't confirm until about this time who has got what they wanted. Most of us have got between xmas & new year off but not xmas eve, according to the bosses most of our work will be xmas eve morning so we can ask for half day holiday & we may get it. But there are 3 people in my team who have been given xmas eve off, all of which requested the holiday a lot later than myself & at least 3 other people so we're not too happy. 1 person is due back from maternity leave so they have let her have the day off as otherwise she would have to come in for 1 day, another booked a holiday to lapland a few months ago so has asked for the day off & got it, the 3rd person we don't know what reason they have given for allowing her the time off. We can all understand the reasons for letting these people have the day off but why grant holiday to some people then tell those that requested it much earlier that they can't have the same, it is not fair. Those of us that didn't get the day could easily have made holiday plans but didn't because we were waiting to find out if we had got the time off so why can someone else just book a holiday & be given what they want?? Its just another in the long line of complaints at work at the moment, my manager plays favourites far too much but as the md seems to think she can do no wrong we get nowhere by complaining.

Last week I was told i would be doing a certain job that would have meant much more phone work, because I have had a bad throat for a few weeks i asked if i could split the phone work with my usual job but was told no, so i called in sick on friday because my throat is so sore i physically cannot be on the phone all day. No doubt when i get back i will have a 'letter of concern' or even a stage 1 disciplinary for attendance as this is my 3rd period of sick leave within 12 months, there are other people at work who take far more time off than i do but they seem to get away with it, its not like i hadn't given my boss a chance to assign me work that would have meant i could continue to work while my throat gets better.

Anyway enough bitching about work. Jack has been a little off colour the last coupe of days, he doesn't seem to have his usual energy during the day & at night he is getting up about 3 or 4 times ( so we are both like zombies during the day too ). I hope whatever is bothering him is gone in a few days, next weekend we're supposed to be going to my mum's & having his picture taken with my 2 nephews, they adore him but we don't get to see them very much as they live a bit too far to go for a day trip. My mum doesn't celebrate xmas due to her religious beliefs but the photo of her 3 grandsons will make a great present for her.

I struggle to find the time to update my journal these days & when i do i don't get much time so my entries are shorter than i intend them to be, kids...who'd have them!!


Anonymous said...

Now I'm not only totally p*ssed off with my job/boss/work, but yours too.  I hate hate hate working under assholes.  Sorry for the bad language on your journal, but I am angry alongside you, and Kirsty.  I agree with you about christmas, I said to keith yesterday, when did christmas stop being so exciting and become such a disappointment.  It's such hard work these days trying to make it 'special'.
I hope jack perks up soon, they do have their off days, and they can't tell you about it eh!  Lots of cuddles, even when you don't feel like it, it does the world of good!
xxx Lynbo xxx
P.S, happy Christmas (if you can't beat the early birds, join them!)

Anonymous said...

Glad I am out of the rat race now, just wish I was much younger and out of it!  Hope Jack is soon better and that you can both get a good night's sleep.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Hope you get some time off at xmas. . .Jack will have a  lovely time this christmas .Wonder if he gets a racing car lol.