Its been a while since I graced this site with my presence, wonder if anyone's still here.
There has been lots and lots happen since my last visit, firstly me & Nic are getting on great.
Jack is amazing me every day with his speech, his grasp of the world around him and his ability to grow more than I ever imagined...give him a year and he'll be stealing my clothes.
We weren't going to go away for holiday this year but we got a good deal to Alcudia so off we went, Jack loved the water both sea and pool. He seemed to have no fear of the water, I thought he might be a bit hesitant at first but no troubles there..he just ran straight to the sea on the first day when we went to the beach. We spent more time around the pool than at the beach because it was just so hot, at least the pool was near our room so in the afternoon while Nic fried herself I took Jack in to have a nap. Some days he didn't want to sleep...what a blessing my new mobile was, I had loaded some episodes of Kipper the dog, his favourite at the always helped him to calm down and get to sleep.
When we got home we decided we wanted to move when our tenancy was up at the end of august, the house we were living in had a small garden and it never seemed to get any sunlight so it was always damp and not good for Jack to play in. Our new house has a big garden and lots more room inside as well, Jack loves this house so much better and so do we. It is nearer to Nic's work and as she works early in the bakery she doesn't have to get up so early and its so much better now the bad weather is starting.
In september Jack started at playgroup, he has come on leaps and bounds with his talking...sometimes he has conversations with himself, it can be very funny. It is so nice when we get paintings and stuff he has done at playgroup, he made a poppy last week and has made biscuits for halloween. I have changed my hours at work so get to take Jack to school some weeks and it's great having that time with him so I can at least talk to the staff and get a feel for how he is doing rather than having to hear it second hand from Nic or grandad who takes him most of the time.
Jack was getting excited about halloween so we bought him a spider outfit and let him go trick or treating to nanny & grandads house, then Nic took him to some of her friends as well.
I have added some new photo's, the one with the pig is the most recent...hasn't my boy grown up!
If anybody calls to make a donation during children in need next week you may get to speak to me, I will be taking calls for donations for at least a couple of hours next friday so call and give me some of your cash!!
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