Sunday 17 June 2007

my first fathers day

I will remember today as long as I live, today was my first Father's Day.

I was woken up this morning at 8.45 by my son giving me a slobbery kiss, Nic had got him up (considering its not a work day for me that was a massive surprise) & brought him in to see me with my card & presents. I got a small 'spaceform' glass plate with 'i love you daddy' etched on it, a framed daddy poem (Nic made the poem up, its great) with a picture of me & Jack the day he was born, it also has Jack's foot & hand prints around it. I also got a box of liquorice allsorts, will have to make sure I hide them or Nic will steal all the blue jelly ones wiv bits on...and she'll probably blame Jack for it.

When I was a kid I remember buying my dad loads of crap like socks, after shave, ashtrays..all sorts of crap really. I don't remember one year when I actually bought him something he would have really wanted but I now know what fathers day means & i expect Jack will buy me some crap over the years but you know what?.... it won't matter because i will love the fact that he has got me something. I will keep this years presents forever as they are the first ones & they mean more to me than if i'd have got a massively expensive pressie (although this doesn't mean i don't want him to buy me a lamborghini one year).

We all went to Nic's parents for dinner as her dad was doing a barbecue & very nice it was too. Had to be back by 5 though for the formula 1 (what, you really thought you'd get away with another race not being mentioned?, don't be silly). I am in awe of Lewis Hamilton's talent but I am sooo sick of itv mentioning him every 2 seconds. My beloved Ferrari' were better at this race than the last 2 but we still have a very long way to go before we're nicking the wins from McLaren.

Right well i'm running out of time now, got lots to do so i'll catch up with you all later...VampJack xx


Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad you had a great first Father's Day.  The first one is always special..................and LEWIS won AGAIN........what a weekend!!!!!!  Big slobbery kiss for Jack for being such a wonderful, loving son!  He is obviously being well guided by Nic hehehehehe  Glad you had such a good weekend.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Happy first father's day.  One day you'll have to show your little one your journal ... he'll love it.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Happy First Father's Day!  What a wonderful celebration for you and Jack (Nic, too, of course).  It's nice that you had such a special day!  Way to go.
Hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

thanks for the antivirus advice, I'll go check it out
hope all is well with you and yours
we need more entries ....
x Lynbo x