Sunday 4 November 2007

Lots of fireworks going off here last night, I think this year has been the loudest yet. I must admit though they did stop fairly early which was a blessing, we had put Jack to bed about 7.30 but he woke up & wouldn't go back to sleep because of the loud bangs.


This was Jack being very happy on a trip to Coombe Abbey yesterday, he did cheer up though but screamed all the way there & most of the way back.


Jack now has 5 teeth come through completely & 1 we can see will be through in the next couple of days, his favourite pastime seems to be using his teeth....normally on mummy & daddy!!


On friday when he was having a bath he stuck his tongue out & has been doing so ever since, he is the funniest little man I've ever met. Also the cutest, we have just been playing in the lounge, he kept laying on me & crawling over me when all of a sudden he just lay next to me & went to sleep. I wouldn't trade being a dad for anything in the world, its the best.



Anonymous said...

Oh, he is a little treasure!  No wonder you are wrapped up in your son.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Awwww,hes wonderful. . . how big hes grown too.Seems like yesterday you were writing about looking forward to his birth.Wont it just be the best christmas for you this year!Love his expression on the trip to Coombe Abbey. . .so sweet.