Friday 25 August 2006

First antenatal & a surprise

6.25am I was up today, had to be at work by 7.30 & once again the milk was off so no morning cuppa until I got to work....was this going to be another one of those days?

Once at work I was working through my files & suddenly I was getting more assigned, went to see the team leader who was assigning them & guess what?, thats right, my team leader had not told her I was only in for a couple of hours. Mind you once my t/leader was in she removed the files so I managed to clear all my assigned files just as I got the text from Nic to say she was on her way with her dad to pick me up.

We got to the hospital really early so I had time for more coffee!! When we got called in which I am pleased to say was only just after the appointment time, Nic was asked if she'd had her scan yet. As the scan is due next thursday we were told she could get it done today, this was great for 2 reasons, firstly it means we haven't got to trek all the way across the other side of coventry next week & also because it means we got to have the first look at our baby. As we weren't expecting the ultrasound today Nic was told she had to wait half an hour while she drank loads to fill her bladder up so the scan could be done right. Once we did get the scan done it was amazing, I'm not one to go all gushy even though this is first time we had seen the baby. It was amazing to see his/her heart beating so clearly on the screen, Nic keeps saying its going to be a boy because the head is huge - I told her its because men have bigger & better brains than women!! I must admit to being a bt nervous because the nurse said the baby was lying awkwardly so she could not get a very clear picture, but before I had chance to ask if this was a problem she told us the baby's quite happy & comfortable, sounds like it's just like its mum, always moving into awkward positions ( trust me I am not kidding, how I get any sleep is beyond me ). The hospital charges £5.00 for ultrasound photo's, neither of us had the money today because we didn't expect to be having the scan so we will have to wait and collect it when we go for the 20 week scan on 12th october. Once we have the photo I will be scanning it to send to my sister so I will put it on my journal so you can all meet l'il Vamp. I thought it was going to be like Friends where rachel gets the scan but can't see the baby, but it was so clear, definitely one of the best days of my life. This was the highlight of the day, after the scan we had to go back & wait to be seen in the clinic. The nurse we saw insisted on mumbling with her back to us & really didn't make a good impression at all. Nic was having a coughing fit while the nurse was trying to take her blood pressure, instead of waiting until the coughing had stopped she just kept trying to carry on. Nic wasn't impressed with the doctor either as she was a bit posh, she's got to go back to see her in november, not sure yet wether I will go. I do want to go with her as much as possible but it makes it difficult having to make up the time at work because I definitely can't afford to lose the money for the time I take off.

So the scan's done, I've cancelled my half day holiday next week as we don't have to go back until october when we're both off anyway. Originally the midwife gave us a due date of 20th march but Nic got her dates wrong when giving the midwife all her info so we now know the due date is 22nd feb - a whole month earlier. Nic is looking forward to telling her aunt as she's always going on about us having kids ( even though she doesn't want any herself ) & her birthday is 21st feb so no doubt she will be hoping l'il Vamp puts in an appearance a day early. If it arrives 8 days early it'll be the best valentines gift ever but late or early I can't wait.

I have just spoken to my sister who is eagerly looking forward to getting the photo, I sometimes think she is more excited than us. She's asked me if I will speak to my dad, long story but we have never really enjoyed a good relationship & following a conversation about 4 years ago when he said something completely unfair & very offensive I have not had any contact with him. Recently my dad was visiting my sister, this was not long after we visited her, & every time my nephews were talking about me she was on edge in case they mentioned the baby to him. I have assured her that although I have no intention of speaking to him she doesn't have to lie if the subject comes up. At the end of the day it is his loss, he hardly makes the effort to visit my sister & her family so I guess he won't be too bothered about mine either.

Right well I guess i've blathered on long enough, time for another cup of coffee. I will no doubt be adding entries over the weekend as after a 3 week break the formula 1 resumes this weekend & things are getting very close in the battle for both championships now. I apologise if you have no interest in F1 but it is a huge part of my life & as this is my journal I will continue to jabber on about it!!


Take care & I hope you all have a fantastic ( & hopefully dry but don't hold your breathe ) bank holiday weekend.... Vamp x



Anonymous said...

Ah bless!! First scans are amazing! Can't believe the hospital didn't let you take the picture home! Our hospital only charges £2, at one point i had that many scans they gave me them free! All the best to you & Nic & bump! Julie xx

Anonymous said...

Awww, special times :o)
My very best wishes to all three of you.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Good to hear the scan went's truly amazing the first makes the baby real! I was waiting for you to tell us it was twins!!
love Phoenix

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the first scan, it's always a truly amazing and special moment when you see your baby for the very first time, something that will stay with you forever!