Thursday 10 August 2006

Nearly the weekend again & I can't wait, I've been feeling sick all week but don't want to start having to go through the attendance procedure again at work. This morning I sat on my bed for ten minutes just hoping the sick feeling would go away long enough for me to be able to walk to work without passing out, it's horrible feeling that any minute I might have to dash to the toilet ( nice subject today don't you think?!! ).

As well as feeling ill I have to deal with Nic who has developed the attitude from hell, she always seems to be in a bad mood. I know her hormones are going a little screwy at the moment but I tell you something, if this is what you have to go through to be a parent then little Vamp is going to be an only child. I do try to be understanding & not whinge too much but I tell you, she could try the patience of a saint. My dad was an army officer so I was raised pretty strictly & as such I hate things to be messy in the house, try as I might to be tolerant I swear the binmen are gonna find a body soon!! Must admit though tonight when she sneezed she complained that she had a pain in her stomach, it seems to be okay now but having not gone through this before we were both a little concerned for a while, I might complain but would do anything for her ( at least so far anyway ).

We have been talking about going away in october for a week but last night we decided the money might be better spent on a new bed, the one we have is quite old & the mattress is definitely on its way to mattress heaven. We are going to get a king size bed so we have more room, at least thats the plan but in reality I think it'll be Nic with more room & me still only allowed to sleep on the edge of the bed as I do now. Then again it wouldn't surprise me to find that when october rolls around & we have our week off she decides again that we absolutely must go away before the baby arrives. It would be nice to go away but I think having a decent nights sleep on a nice new bed will be even better.  I got a letter from my solicitor today about the court case for the car crash I had way back in june 2003, she asked if I have any dates between oct-nov when I can't attend court so looks hopeful that I will have that mess sorted before the end of the year too - maybe if I win ( which I should ) we will be able to afford the holiday as well.

Talking of holidays the topic of conversation today obviously focused on the 'foiled' terror plot & the banning of hand luggage, all of us at work are in favour of such a measure if it means we are all that bit safer - particularly as we work for a very large cargo airline. Staff benefits used to include being able to join any of our flights worldwide for free, okay so family & friends wouldn't have been able to go on the flight but it meant a great chance to get away for a night or a few days - 9/11 put an end to that particular perk & I don't think it will be reintroduced anytime soon. It is a terrible time to be living in, noone is 100% safe anywhere in the world at the moment & the pressures of living in such times are making people less tolerant at a time when we should all be trying to be a little more tolerant of each other. I am usually a live & let live type of person but the recent reports in the press showing that a large percentage of muslims dislike our society makes me mad, if you don't like it don't live here. I don't wish to offend anyone with my opinions ( & that is all they are - MY opinions )but at the end of the day I want to move to Spain, I don't expect to move there & have them change their way of life for me. That is the worst kind of arrogance, I will welcome any race, colour or creed & am more than happy to accept that adjustments need to be made but nobody has the right to take advantage of a country's hospitality & demand everyone changes to suit them. Anyway enough of my ranting I'm sure you all have your own views & hear enough about this particular issue everywhere else.

Before I go just to let you know what's happening with Angel & Bailey. They are getting on better now, that is to say Bailey runs around the house like a hurricane trying to get Angel to play & Angel seems to think she is now too old for games like that!! It's quite funny because Bailey is just like Angel was with Cleo & Raki, always harrassing them trying to get them to join in her games. This morning Bailey was running around the house being his usual loopy self & he still has not got the hang of slowing down before bombing into the kitchen, hence he keeps trying to stop once he gets into the kitchen but just keeps sliding across the floor & he must have hit the cupboards at least 4 times before I went to work. Poor thing, it must be knocking any sense he has right out of him!!

That's enough for tonight, sleep well & if you are flying anywhere over the next few days I hope your flights aren't delayed too much...take care all. ..Vamp x


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