Monday 14 August 2006

That sicky feeling

Okay so last time I was here I was telling you how bleurgh I was feeling, well I had friday off work as I felt so dizzy every time I stood up that no way could I make it to work, off again today as finally I have been physically sick ( not nice for you to read about but trust me, it's worse for me living it ). Hopefully now all the nasty bugs are out of my system & I can resume normal service tomorrow.

I know women get sick when they're pregnant but why should I have to be ill too?, told Nic its her fault with all her sicky germs!! At least being off on friday gave me a chance to photograph all the stuff I'm going to list on ebay & finally start putting some of it on there. Today I am just chilling out and reading Black House by Stephen King & Peter Straub, have to finish this one before I can start on all the nice new books I bought the other weekend. I used to read loads on the way to work & back but we moved in march & now I walk to work instead of an hour bus journey, hence I don't get to read as much as before ( & for those that don't know, Black House is a very thick book ).

I've just been reading that NASA have lost the original footage of Neil Armstrong's moonwalk, apparently they filed it with everything else & are now trying to locate it with the paperwork that was filed 35 years ago. NASA say the original footage can prove conclusively that it was genuine & not shot on a soundstage in hollywood as some conspiracy theorists claim. I reckon the conspiracy theorists will have a field day now, the one piece of evidence that can prove it was real is apparently lost!!! You couldn't make it up!

Anyway that's it for today. Take care & I will hopefully be feeling loads better tomorrow so back to my normal self.... Vamp x


Anonymous said...

I read 'Black house' last year, do you know it's the sequel to a book that the authors wrote together years ago called 'The Talisman', if you've read it apologies but it's a great book, all linked together with Stephen King's Dark Tower series, which I finally finished reading earlier this year, took the best part of ten years cos I had to wait for each book to be published (sorry, reading and Stephen King in particular are a passion of mine, very sad I know lol) Kerry

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your blog tonight! Very funny I'm looking forward to following your journey into fatherhood! Got you on my alerts!