Saturday 19 August 2006

So much to do, so little time.

Okay so firstly I would like to apologise, I have not been adding entries as regularly as I would like. It just seems that there's always something to do at the moment.

So to catch up on the week:

Tuesday; back to work, they're thinking of changing the way we do my particular job so I was part of the guinea pig team this week trialling 'the new way'!! Personally i think it makes less sense than the way I am used to & from what I can gather quite a few people feel the same. I am all for change but not if its detrimental to productivity & morale, but what do I know i'm only the idiot doing the job. It was nice to get back to work & see my friends though, even though I would have preferred to stay home & catch up on even more reading.

Wednesday; Nic had a letter from the hospital, she's got her first ante-natal class this coming friday. All of a sudden the baby seems to be real again, lately it has seemed almost like it didn't exist, ( don't know what I expected but all has seemed far too normal ). Had to ask my boss what my rights are as far as taking time off because there is no more holiday allocation available until october, luckily I get to take the time off & don't even have to make the time up. I will be making the time up though because I just can't afford to lose a days pay. To be honest I am in 2 minds about the class, part of me wants to be a good dad/partner & go along gving Nic all the support I can, but another part of me would rather not go. I'm not keen on going into hospitals, even when my mum's been in & out so often I cannot bring myself to go to the hospital. I have had some bad experiences in hospitals when I was younger but I don't think it's anything to do with it, I just don't like hospitals.

Thursday; made my mind up that I would go so had to take the appointment letter in to my boss. Have told him I will be making the time up & he's great about it, lets me work the hours I like to make it up. I've worked other places where I have been told when to make up the time but its pretty easy where I am now. Had to call my friend who works nearby for a lift home tonight, it was throwing it down like you would not believe.

Friday; raining so hard in the morning I had to get up early, no way could I sleep with all the noise the rain was making. I looked out my window to see just how bad it was & there was a paddle steamer floating down my street!! My cats were enjoying it, they were hanging out the windows hooking fish as they swam by. I guess the british summer really is over now, & the best of it is that the water companies will still say we don't have enough water. Nobody seemed to be able to get motivated at work, we all just milled about doing what we had to do but not striving to do as much as possible which to be honest a lot of us usually do ( I know it sounds like we're all creeps, we're not its just we feel more motivated when we know we have done a good job & cleared loads of files ). When the heavens opened again in the afternoon it was chaos outside. We were all watching from our nice warm office as the level of water steadily rose until you could see car headlights partially submerged. The police closed the main road off iutside our office in one direction as the water was so bad. We had a leak in the office, we're on the top floor & water was coming through in places - best friday afternoon for ages. Luckily it had stopped before I went home so I was able to walk home without wading through floods, it was also warm enough not have to wear a jacket which was even better.

Today Nic had to work, not often she does saturdays. I was up early as well so I could go to town & get birthday cards for my nephew & bro-in-law, had to get back early as Nic's parents were taking us to tesco. They are really good & take us every other month so we can do a big shop & get all the cat litter & cat food. Without a car it would always be internet shopping for us so we are very lucky they will help us out so often. Spent all afternoon cleaning the kitchen while Nic had a nap ( she had to get up at 5am ), & now as I sit here the rain has started again, better get used to it I suppose as no doubt we will be having lots more of it. I personally don't mind the rain, its quite nice to walk through the rain, very refreshing.

Anyway so that was my week, I promise I will try harder to update my entries more regularly. Next week as I mentioned will be the first ante-natal class & then the week after we have the first scan so lots to look forward to ( I think!! ). I hope you all have a great weekend, take care... Vamp x

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