Monday 9 October 2006

My first day of rest

So today i had to get up early ( well if you consider 9 am early!! ) as I had a dentists appointment, luckily all was well so no ridiculously expensive treatment ( for those who of you outside UK, the government decided to set specific charging bands for dentists treatment, for example, it used to cost about £12.00 for a filling, now under the govt charges I would have to pay £42.40, the Uk govt are th**ves protected by the law ). But enough of my anti govt rantings ( I could carry on but i'm sure you all have your own views ).

As I was in town I thought I'd pay a visit to my bank as i have a very old savings account that pays really crap interest but have never bothered to change it, so today I closed that account & sorted out a much better savings account. It's amazing how expecting a baby can make you finally get off your arse & sort things that you should have done years ago.

Nic's been busy this weekend clearing out her stuff from the spare room ( soon to be nursery ), most of what is left now is either mine or is the xmas decorations. For my part I have been listing lots of my old video's on ebay, still got lots more to list & loads of books too. I can't believe I'm about to say this but I might even sell my vinyl, I used to collect records for years, some of the stuff I will never get rid of ( strange, I said that about my video's a while back )but the unsigned ecords may just have to go. I have lots of signed items but don't think I can ever get rid of them, I used to spend hours at venues waiting to meet bands & get my records signed. I've got an old bass guitar that I've had a few bass players sign & might even sell that if I can get the right price. Suddenly everything that seemed important to me is just 'stuff', you never know, if I carry on like this I may even get accused of growing up ( sorry guys I really am trying not to let the side down but its not easy when there's a baby on the way!! ). So much of what I collected represented my life & I have so many memories but the items themselves no longer seem important, I still have the memories & having downloaded a lot of the music I have on vinyl it still evokes the same memories that playing the records does so maybe its time to let go. Talking of memories its coming up to xmas again, last year I finally found a copy of Quincy's Quest on dvd ( not an official release sadly ), my best friend& I were talking a few years ago about xmas & the memoreis we had of xmas's when we were kids & this film ( starring Tommy Steele ) was something we both remembered so I was really pleased to finally get a copy ( if anybody out there remembers this film & wants a copy please email me ). I sold quite few on ebay last year but they have told me I'm not allowed to sell it anymore because its not an official copy, I can certainly understand there policy but there were so many people that wanted this film, if somebody put out an official release they'd sell loads.

We finally ordered a new bed today from argos, we got the new sale leaflet through the door last week & they've got a nice bed half price at £349.99 so I got the crowbar & prised my wallet open ( bit pointless as there wasn't much in it, good job the website let me use my debit card!! ). We ordered a couple of other bits too, we did want a new bookcase for the lounge but its out of stock. At least with argos they give you the option of being emailed when it comes back in stock so may order it once they have some more. Although its going to take about a month for them to deliver I now want new duvet & pillows, we're also going to have to get new sheets & covers because our current bed is a double & the new one is king size. We're going to go shopping in town on friday so we'll no doubt get the bedding then, hoping to get some more christmas presents for people too, definitely hoping to get all the presents sorted before the end of november, then for once we can relax while everyone else runs around like headless chickens during december.

Right I'd better end this entry here as Nic will be coming up soon & she doesn't know about this blog ( at least I don't think she knows about it ). Goodnight & sweet dreams to you all.....  Vamp x


Anonymous said...

Night night Vamp
love Phoenix

Anonymous said...

OMG Vamp - you are turning into a new man (LOL!) - seriously though I think you will make a fantastic Dad. BTW, 9.00 am will soon feel like lunch time - Enjoy the peace while it lasts,

Anonymous said...

Hee hee king size bed will soon resemble a double once mini vamp gets snuggled inbetween mummy & daddy!! lol
Julie xx

Anonymous said...

You can tell you are making your nest ready for the little one.Cant you put some of your stuff in the loft. . dont want you regreting letting it all go lol. . but like you say you can still get the music. I would love Quincys Quest!! I love Tommy Steele and have not seen this film.