Friday 14 July 2006

The deed is done - finally!!

Today was the big day, we were definitley going to have to visit her parents to give them the news. Had a nice lie in this morning as her mum wouldn't be back from work til after 1, got up bout 1045 & pottered about finishing cutting the hedge, defragging the pc & generally killing time.

We took a walk to her parents bout 1.30, on the way we passed an estate agents that deals with spanish properties - saw a place advertised for £43k, wish I had the money to go for it, it would make everything perfect if we could move to Spain just after the babies born. I love my job but i would do anything to get out of this country & especially now i'm about to become a dad I really would prefer to bring my child up in Spain rather than this country. Don't get me wrong its just that I feel this country has nothing to offer for young people anymore, all the industry we were once renowned for is going abroad, immigration is out of control & the people charged with protecting this country only care about lining their own pockets...I may have people hating me for these comments but I do not speak ignorantly, I live in a city that was proud to have a strong automotive industry & recently it has come crashing down, but also look at other job losses, the govt pours millions of the taxpayers money into trying to save the jobs in car production plants ( recently there was a threatened job losses of 900 people at one plant, the govt wanted to give more of OUR money to save it but at the same time 6000 jobs were going at another company but as this was only call centre work it wasn't worth the govt bothering with ). We are the lowest paid workers in europe yet we work longer hours than other european nations - where does all the money support lazy arrogant french farmers. Anyway enough of my rantings & back to the point of this entry.

We got to Nic's parents to find them out, when they returned it was nerve wracking stuff. Eventually Nic told her mum she was going to be a nannie again, the reaction was not what I was expecting - she just said 'you're not are you' then told Nic to tell her dad cos she wasn't going to do it for her! We told her dad & he just told me to look after his daughter better than I have for the last 4 years - cheeky sod. Although I was expecting a little angst with them I was hoping they would take it well but never thought they'd take it as well as they did. Mind you, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when we left!!

So now they all know, feel kinda weird again cos it still doesn't seem real. I guess when we go for the scan in 7 weeks it will all suddenly become very real when we get to see the baby for the first time.

Gotta go town tomorrow to find a gift for my oldest nephew, my sister told me she got the end of year report after we left this week & J is exceeding expectations for all his subjects so we're going to send him a little something for being so brainy! It was a shame the weather as bad last week as his sports day got cancelled so we missed seeing that. He is a little tart, his teacher is a young woman & he is always going on about her. When we went to watch him at swimming class on monday his usual instructor was away so he had a young woman teaching him & he was hanging on her every word....just like his dad & uncle!!

Anyway gotta go as hopefully going out tonight for a nice quiet drink & gotta have my dinner first. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend enjoying the hot weather, will be watching the F1 again, france this week so would be nice for Ferrari ( italian ) to beat Renault ( french ) on home soil...whatever you're upto have fun & be careful.....Vamp x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done for telling them! I am so relieved for you!
Have a great, stress free weekend and don't forget there is Prison Break on one of the Sky channels, I guess, all weekend. Mind you it will guarantee you have a very stressy weekend!
love Phoenix