Tuesday 25 July 2006

Freedom of the remote!

Hello my loyal readers ( and of course any new readers who happen by ), today I have been granted the FREEDOM OF THE REMOTE! Nic has gone out with the girls for her birthday so I get to watch what I want for a change, normally I get the choice of sitting through neighbours, hollyoaks, coronation st, eastenders, the bill, bad girls, bb OR I can sit here at my pc or read a book ( yes some of us still choose the paper version of online stories !)....but tonight...i can watch.....well......erm....you know something, tv is pretty crap these days. Maybe I'll watch another superman film or possibly ghostbusters, very sad I know but what the hell.

The downside to watching films is that usually somewhere, when you least expect it, IT happens....the company I work for gets a mention, someone gets a package, a van drives down the road, billboards at sporting events...my company must spend a fortune on product placement. I just want to come home and relax without being reminded of where I work every time i turn on the tv or read a book - i'm never gonna be able to watch castaway again! Particularly the last coupla weeks, i've been working files where I have to call customers & tell them what information, or paperwork customs want before they'll clear the package...US customs have definitely lost the plot. I kid you not I was even asked to call a customer last wek to ask them what books were made of!!! & today the description for one package was ' chassis & seat unit for baby stroller' - they wanted a better description & wanted to know what it was used for....FOR GOD'S SAKE WHAT THE HELL DO THEY THINK YOU DO WITH A BABIES PUSHCHAIR????????????

Anyway I'd better get off this subject before Bush declares war on me. So what else is happening, to be honest not a lot. One of my friends is stressing out planning her wedding. The date is (hopefully) 14th april next year, a saturday. They did want to get married on the friday but would you get married on friday 13th? Another friend is desperate to go on holiday this year, she only has the summer as she works at a school & is trying to get Nic to sort out some time off & has even offered to pay for Nic. Bless her she hasn't long split from her bf & looks set to miss her foreign holiday this year unless Nic goes with her. Much as I love mummy to be it might be nice to have a week on my own, i'm sure she feels the same about a week away from me too. Lets face it between now & march next year we are really going to get on each others nerves. We'll wind each other up, argue, cry, laugh, scream & everything under the sun.

I am getting impatient about the first scan now, its not until 31st august but knowing we have the appointment is enough to make me impatient. I must admit to being very excited about the birth of my first child, nothing else seems to matter so much now. I guess I am becoming just like the rest of the 'now' generation, I was always the person who thought waiting for something meant you valued it more when you finally managed to get it but not this time, mind you wait until it happens.....the screaming, the crying, the puking - & thats just Nic!! Actually she is being sick quite a bit these days, I am under orders not to let her have any more mcdonald's as she has had 2 in the last week & chucked them both back up later...not sure if thats because of the pregnancy or just a normal side effect of eating mcdonalds.

Talking of food ( well okay so maybe that was loosely talking about food ) i'd better go & rescue my dinner from the oven otherwise I will be having charcoal for dinner. Take care all & don't forget to check back regularly, its worth checking out some of the other blogs I've added - if there's any others you can recommend let me know. See you all soon....Vamp x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its the other way around in my house, hubby claims the remote and I have to wait until I am on my own for all the good stuff:-) I don't have a journal but love to read and keep up with the many folk who do! I don't comment very often but maybe I should! You might enjoy the Life of Stevie, I am new to that but enjoying it. I tend to look at other journals people read and try them out. hope you enjoyed your evening in on your own :-)